Jeff Fights for Funding for Depoe Bay

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Jeff understands the critical importance of small harbors to coastal communities. And thanks to the efforts of Jeff and his staff, Depoe Bay, is set to receive important funding.


Dubbed the “World’s Smallest Navigable Harbor,” Depoe Bay Harbor is home to several small fishing charters, as well as an arm of the Oregon Coast Guard. However, in recent years, Depoe Bay Harbor has suffered from a lack of dredging, endangering the safe passage of Coast Guard and fishing vessels alike. Both the fishing industry and Coast Guard operations off of Oregon’s coast are of vital importance for local economy and safety, and silt buildup near the fuel dock blocked access for boats.


In late 2018, officials from Depoe Bay reached out to Jeff’s team, saying the bay’s five-year dredging cycle was no longer tenable. The harbor was last dredged in 2014 but was already long overdue for dredging, and local officials were desperate.


Jeff immediately jumped on the case, and working with local officials, his advocacy ensured funding for the dredging of Depoe Bay Harbor was included in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2019 budget. The Mayor of Depoe Bay thanked Jeff in a letter, saying Jeff and his team were, “instrumental in seeing that not only Depoe Bay, but all the harbor communities on our coast will be supported.”


Jeff and his team will continue to help Depoe Bay work on this challenging issue, and Jeff will continue to fight for Oregon’s coastal communities.
