Don Davis

Navigating Veteran Affairs health care can be difficult. Jeff strives to ensure that the men and women who served their country receive the benefits they deserve.

Last April, veteran Don Davis contacted the Senator in need of help getting VA authorization for dental care from a non-VA dentist that was located near his home in Salem. Mr. Davis has a military service-related disability that makes it difficult for him to travel several hours to the Portland VA — the closest Veterans Affairs dental provider to his home. Considering Mr. Davis’s unique circumstances, Jeff’s office took immediate action to facilitate a conversation between Mr. Davis and the VA. After months of communication with the VA on Mr. Davis’s behalf, Jeff successfully won approval for Mr. Davis to see a non-VA dentist. Jeff’s efforts enabled this Oregon veteran to receive the care he needed.

However, the case was not settled yet. In July, after receiving an assessment of his condition and projected expenses, Mr. Davis learned that the VA would not approve the dental care plan proposed by the non-VA dentist. The non-VA dentist proposed a targeted plan that would place several crowns in Mr. Davis’s mouth in order to save his teeth without causing further damage. The VA preferred that all of Mr. Davis’s teeth be removed and replaced with dentures. Again, Jeff fought for Mr. Davis’s right to take control of his own health care and choose the procedure that was best for him. Ultimately, Jeff’s office convinced the VA chief of dentistry to approve the non-VA plan and provide Mr. Davis with quality, compassionate care.

Jeff knows that veterans fought for their country, and so he’ll never stop fighting for their right to receive quality health care.
