Funding Education

One of the reasons Jeff decided to run for the Oregon State Legislature was to work towards building a better education system for his children. Jeff understands that a critical pillar of this system is ensuring that working families have affordable access to institutions of higher education and that these institutions receive the funding they need.  

As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Education, he works hard to make sure federal money goes into the hands of institutions of higher education like the University of Oregon. Just recently, the U of O’s Center for Applied Second Language Studies received a grant from the U.S. Department of Education which will provide funding for innovative solutions to improve language learning in foreign, secondary, and heritage contexts. This small but prestigious grant award sends positive signals to grant-awarding foundations who then can amplify the funding activity.

Jeff will continue to use his influence on the appropriations committee to ensure that institutions like the University of Oregon are able to receive the critical grant money that will help the next generation of Oregonians succeed.
