Merkley Statement on Lew Nomination to Serve as Ambassador to Israel

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement after the committee held a hearing to consider the nomination of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to serve as United States Ambassador to Israel:

“Every day that goes by without a confirmed United States Ambassador to Israel is a lost opportunity for America at this critical moment. As the world continues to reel from Hamas’ horrifying terrorist attacks of October 7 and now confronts a growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we cannot afford to have an empty seat at the table.

“The United States’ and President Biden’s leadership has already proved critical to showing solidarity with the Israeli people in their hour of need, as well as efforts to give top priority to the protection of millions of Palestinians in Gaza, who are themselves victims of Hamas control.

“The situation remains volatile and, as President Biden returns from his visit to the region, it’s clear a strong United States diplomatic presence will remain critical in the weeks and months to come. Jack Lew is a dedicated and experienced public servant, and we need him confirmed to this position without delay.”

