Merkley Statement on Trump Middle East Announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley – a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the lead sponsor of a Senate resolution supporting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – released the following statement regarding President Trump’s newly released plan for the Middle East:

“A one-sided plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace developed without the consultation of one of the parties is not a genuine proposal for peace. As I emphasized in leading the Senate resolution reaffirming the longstanding U.S. policy to promote a two-state solution to this conflict, a two-state solution remains the best way to achieve a lasting peace, recognize the self-determination of both parties, and ensure Israel’s future as a democratic and Jewish state. Unfortunately, this plan takes yet another step away from that vision. It proposes a strategy of annexation and fragmentation that would jeopardize the possibility of a viable Palestinian state, putting us on a path further from prosperity and peace and toward generations of conflict. The United States needs to work to bring the parties to the negotiating table, not unilaterally push a plan incapable of delivering a sustainable and equitable peace.”
