Merkley Sounds the Alarm on GOP Tax Scheme

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed a tax scheme that raises taxes on many middle class families while giving trillions to wealthy corporations and the richest Americans. The Senate is also currently considering its own version of the legislation in the Senate Finance Committee, which could pass the legislation as soon as today:

“Americans should pay very close attention right now: The greatest bank heist in American history is well underway, and if we don’t stand up and raise the alarm, it could be completed within the next two weeks.

“While Americans are busy with the holidays, Republicans want to ram through a plan that raises taxes on many in the middle class and steals trillions from the national treasury to deliver a massive windfall to wealthy corporations and the richest and most powerful individuals. Even worse, this plan will force billions in cuts to Medicare and, in the Senate version, cost 13 million Americans their health care and raise premiums on millions more.

“This heist is immoral and wrong on every level. It’s up to grassroots America to stand up and once again fight back, kill this terrible scheme, and save health care for millions of Americans.”
