‘Resist’: Oregon Democratic leaders react to President Trump’s speech

Following a speech in which President Donald Trump called on unity from both parties, Democratic lawmakers in Oregon made it clear they weren’t persuaded by Tuesday night’s address to Congress.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who represents Oregon’s 3rd district, needed just one word to convey his thoughts about the president’s remarks.

“Resist,” Blumenauer said.

Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden used a few more words to voice his opposition, particularly about Congress’ plan to replace and repeal the Affordable Care Act.

“Tonight the president continued to use ‘health care happy-talk’ despite the fact that congressional Republicans are dangerously close to taking America back to the days when health care was only for the healthy and wealthy,” Wyden said. “Having ‘access’ to health insurance won’t mean much if families can’t afford it. Health care ‘freedom’ doesn’t mean losing coverage or barring women from seeing a doctor they trust. After years of talk, all that’s on offer is a plan where health care will cost more and Americans will get less.”

Sen. Jeff Merkley said President Trump is ignoring pleas from the American people to make health care affordable and accessible.

“Really, the big concern here is the president is not listening to the American people. The American people are turning out to rallies, turning out in the streets, they’re besieging Capitol Hill and saying ‘don’t break our healthcare system for working Americans and struggling families.’ But the president seems intent on doing just that.”

Watch: Sen. Merkley’s response

Gov. Kate Brown briefly met with President Trump over the weekend and admitted “he’s very charming,” but made it clear she doesn’t agree with the president when it comes to policy.

“He certainly has a strong vision about where he wants to take the United States of America. I just happen to disagree with that vision,” she told KGW prior to Trump’s speech.

Rep. Greg Walden, Oregon’s lone Republican representative, echoed Trump’s call for unity and said he looks forward to working with the new administration.

“I think the president’s speech was refreshingly optimistic and a message about a unity and a message about taking care of America’s needs first, getting people back to work with really good paying jobs,” Walden said.
