Oregonians stand up to Trump

As Donald Trump refused to back down from his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, condemnation rained down on the candidate from Atlantic to Pacific, including here in the Mid-Valley.

The outrage was fueled by a simple question: Is fear-mongering a policy worthy of a great and respected nation founded on the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

“This is the single worst idea that I have heard from any presidential candidate, ever. It is inconsistent with our American values. It is inconsistent with our national history. Making Islam the enemy is playing straight out of ISIS’s playbook.” — U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley

“Of course they (Muslims) should be allowed entry the same as anyone else. No one should be banned from entering the United States solely on the basis of their religious beliefs. I am not willing to play political games when people’s lives hang in the balance.” — Gov. Kate Brown

“As a child of parents who fled Nazi Germany as refugees, I fully appreciate both the embrace this country provided my family, and the perils of failing to confront hateful speech when it arises.” — U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden

“I get it, but we shouldn’t be ruled by fear,” he said. “We are a diverse society. If we deny freedom to any one group, none of us are free.” — Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney

“(Trump’s statement) is not what our state or country is about.” — Oregon House Republican Leader Mike McLane

“This proposal is absolutely hateful. … It is shameful and un-American.” — U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer

“Trump’s position is contrary to the tenets of our country and lacks a deep appreciation for the consistent interfaith dialogue that has continued in our country. It’s a word of exclusion in a world that needs more inclusion.” — The Rev. John Moody, pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church
