Merkley: Senate Takes Historic Step Towards Reforming Health Care

Washington, DC
– The United States Senate today voted to
begin to debate legislation to finally reform our broken health care
system.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley voted to proceed to the debate and
issued the following statement:

“This debate is far from over, but we have now come further than any congress in a generation in completing the
difficult task of fixing health care.  I look forward to continuing to
fight for reforms that will make health care more accessible and affordable for
all Americans.
  And I hope that my
colleagues who opposed even having a full discussion about this issue will
realize how important it is that the Senate debate health care reform.


“The health care system is no longer working for working
Americans.  Too many are without insurance; too many others fear they will
lose coverage when they need it most.  Health care costs are bankrupting
families and hampering business growth.  We must act now to contain costs,
expand access to coverage and reform the insurance industry practices that have
made even those with insurance fearful as to what will happen should they
become ill or injured.”
