Merkley: Recovery Act Working For Oregon, Created or Saved Over 9,500 Jobs in the State

– The Obama Administration announced today that the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act has created or saved 9,653 jobs in Oregon and over 650,000 jobs
nationwide.  The figures are based on reports from recipients tracking
$150 billion of the $339 billion in Recovery Act spending used for projects and
activities through September 30th. 

to the White House, the total number of jobs created or saved nationwide is
close to 1 million when $189 billion in tax relief is taken into account.

“The Recovery Act has been an important part of getting
Oregon’s economy back on track,” Merkley said.  “Without it, thousands of
Oregonians wouldn’t be at their jobs today.  We’d have fewer teachers
educating our children and fewer cops on the streets.  The Recovery Act
will continue to play a significant role in putting people back to work in the
coming months, but there’s still more work to do on the jobs front.  I
will not be satisfied until we see a significant drop in unemployment and the
creation of many more new, living wage jobs.  We have to turn the page on
the economic mistakes of the last few years and focus our efforts on getting
Main Street back on its feet.”

The data
reported today does not cover tax cuts, direct payments such as Pell Grants or
unemployment compensation, or grants and awards under $25,000 per recipient
that have been part of the Recovery Act.

More information regarding the Recovery Act, including jobs
supported, funding amounts, and project details, is available at
The data can be broken down by state, zip code, or Congressional
District.  Quarterly reports from the Obama Administration will continue
to monitor the progress of the Recovery Act.
