Merkley: National Gas Mileage Standard to Cut Household Costs, Reduce Pollution

Washington DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley
released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement
of national auto emission limits and a 35.5 miles per gallon efficiency
standard by 2016:

“President Obama’s announcement
today of the most aggressive national gas mileage standards in decades is a
welcome step forward in reviving our economy and reducing the pollution that
causes global warming.  Along with the renewed investment in mass transit
and high speed rail, the Administration is showing a real commitment to
reducing our dependence on foreign fuel and to saving Americans money at the
gas pump.

“Better gas mileage means
savings at the pump for Oregon families.  It means more money in the
pockets of families and less money sent to foreign oil producers.  And it
means we’re unleashing American ingenuity and know-how to lead the world in the
production of clean energy technology. 

“While this is a sign of
progress, we also must advance non-petroleum strategies that break our
dependence on foreign oil.  Already, companies in America are developing
cars that will travel more than 30 miles solely on electricity.  I look
forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate and the Obama
administration to build on these new standards and work toward a future where
every American can make their commute without using gasoline.

“Oregon established limits on global warming
pollution from automobiles and SUVs in 2006, and it’s encouraging to see
our state’s initiative translate into a major step toward a national clean
energy economy under President Obama’s leadership.  With this
announcement, more progress is being made in creating clean energy jobs in one
day than occurred over the last eight years.”
