Women’s Rights and Health

Jeff is committed to protecting the health, rights, and liberties of all women. Throughout his career, Jeff has fought for equal pay, working to restore the balance of power between workers and employees by providing legal protections to women who face pay discrimination. He believes that millions of hardworking American women should have the ability to properly care for themselves and their families, without worrying about their economic security. Jeff also led the successful fight that created the first set of national rights for new mothers who want to continue to breastfeed after returning to work, and he continues to push to expand those rights.

Jeff has fought to protect a woman’s constitutional right to the full scope of comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion, and will continue to stand up against efforts that would allow the government to make personal health care decisions for a woman and her family. He has worked to create a society that is safe for women—one that is free of violence and harassment—and continues to speak out against those who use their positions of power to victimize individuals and silence women.

Merkley on Senate GOP Health Bill: If the House Bill Was ‘Mean,’ This Is Diabolical

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement upon the release of the Senate Republicans’ secret health care bill: “President Trump infamously called the House health care bill ‘mean.’ Well, if that bill was mean, this one is downright diabolical. “It is diabolical because it absolutely eviscerates

As Republicans Attempt To Jam Secret Trumpcare Bill Through Senate Without Hearings, Senate Dems Announce the “No Hearing, No Vote Act” To Require All Fast-Tracked Reconciliation Bills Be Subject To A Committee Hearing Before A Final Senate Vote

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Democrats today announced new legislation – The “No Hearing, No Vote Act” — that would hold Senate Republicans’ feet to the fire and require that any legislation going through the fast-tracked reconciliation process, such as the Trumpcare bill Republicans are currently drafting in private, have at

Merkley on Trump Budget: For Working Americans, “This Budget Is a Disaster”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement after President Donald J. Trump released his proposed 2018 budget: “News flash to Donald Trump: Most Americans don’t have their own skyscrapers and jets and golf courses. They’re working long hours; stressed out about how to pay for their

Merkley Slams House Passage of TrumpCare

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement on the U.S. House of Representatives’ American Health Care Act (AHCA), also known as “TrumpCare.” Despite bipartisan opposition, deep cuts to Medicaid, and changes to the bill that would eviscerate protections for Americans with preexisting conditions and send health
