Oregon Stories

Jeff’s first priority is to stand up for Oregonians. He has a whole team in Oregon that is working every day to help Oregonians cut through red tape and work with federal agencies. His office can assist you with securing Social Security benefits, answering Medicare questions, obtaining immigration information, inquiring about passport applications, navigating IRS issues and other federal matters. Included below are a few examples where Jeff has been able to help Oregonians or small businesses across our state get the assistance they need.

Helping an Oregon Veteran Leave Behind his Legacy

America’s veterans have made countless sacrifices to protect our values and freedoms. Military medals and ribbons are critical symbols of recognizing these sacrifices, achievements, and dedication to duty, but sometimes veterans do not receive the medals they have earned and deserve.  When veterans run into roadblocks to accessing these key

Helping a Mother Honor Her Son’s Service

America’s veterans come from all walks of life, but they all share a common commitment to serve our nation. Jeff strongly believes that everyone who serves and sacrifices for our country deserves the full measure of our appreciation. That’s why he’s fighting to ensure that every veteran—regardless of race, gender,

Honoring Our PACT to Oregon Veterans and Their Families

Veterans and their families have stood up and sacrificed for our nation, and we must stand up for them.  That’s why his Jeff’s office sprung in to action to support Portland constituent Sri Benson on his mission to honor his late wife, Corporal Katherine “KT” Benson.  “We were high school sweethearts, and

WWII Veteran Receives Well-Deserved Benefits with Help from Jeff Merkley

Harley Fitzhugh from Echo, Oregon lost his hearing in the Pacific Campaign during World War II, but had been denied disability and compensation benefits for years by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans risk their lives for their country, and Jeff Merkley believes that when our veterans stand up for

Jeff Saves Hometown Restaurant from the IRS

Billy and Laura Killion owned a Sizzler franchise in Ontario, Oregon. The restaurant employed thirty-two people (sixteen full-time and sixteen part-time), and the Killions had spent most of their lives working there. Billy had started working at the Sizzler in 1986 as a dishwasher, and Laura in 1987 as a

Jeff Brings American Flag to McCormick Park in St. Helens

In November 2011, Alta Lynch, a longtime volunteer for veteran causes in Columbia County, chatted with Jeff Merkley’s staff at a Veteran’s Day event at McCormick Park in St. Helens, pointed up to the tattered U.S. Flag flying over the veterans’ memorial and asked if Jeff could provide the park

Jeff Supports Revitalization of Port of Garibaldi

After touring the wharf in the Port of Garibaldi with Port Manager Kevin Greenwood, it was clear to Jeff that the community needed help to rebuild the wharf and get the economy in Garibaldi running. Aging and damaged wharf infrastructure prevented businesses interested in locating in Garibaldi from bringing jobs

Jeff’s Staff Helps Preserve Campground, Opens for Public Use

When the U.S. Forest Service considered ending a legacy campground’s private operations permit, Clark Jackson and over thirty members of North Santiam Sportsmans Club contacted the office of Jeff Merkley seeking assistance to keep the campground open. They shared stories of generations of families coming to this camping spot to

Jeff Intervenes to Save Jobs, Expand Help Provided by Local Housing Agencies

In late 2012, Jeff Merkley learned that the Central Oregon Housing Authority (Housing Works) had mistakenly used erroneous data that was provided to them by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to respond to a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the federal Family Self Sufficiency Program.
