Oregon Stories

Jeff’s first priority is to stand up for Oregonians. He has a whole team in Oregon that is working every day to help Oregonians cut through red tape and work with federal agencies. His office can assist you with securing Social Security benefits, answering Medicare questions, obtaining immigration information, inquiring about passport applications, navigating IRS issues and other federal matters. Included below are a few examples where Jeff has been able to help Oregonians or small businesses across our state get the assistance they need.

Helping an Oregon Veteran Leave Behind his Legacy

America’s veterans have made countless sacrifices to protect our values and freedoms. Military medals and ribbons are critical symbols of recognizing these sacrifices, achievements, and dedication to duty, but sometimes veterans do not receive the medals they have earned and deserve.  When veterans run into roadblocks to accessing these key

Helping a Mother Honor Her Son’s Service

America’s veterans come from all walks of life, but they all share a common commitment to serve our nation. Jeff strongly believes that everyone who serves and sacrifices for our country deserves the full measure of our appreciation. That’s why he’s fighting to ensure that every veteran—regardless of race, gender,

Honoring Our PACT to Oregon Veterans and Their Families

Veterans and their families have stood up and sacrificed for our nation, and we must stand up for them.  That’s why his Jeff’s office sprung in to action to support Portland constituent Sri Benson on his mission to honor his late wife, Corporal Katherine “KT” Benson.  “We were high school sweethearts, and

Tribal Assistance

Jeff knows that native tribes in Oregon have faced challenges in getting the resources their communities need to thrive. That’s why he fought to ensure programs critical to Oregon’s tribes were funded, including the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Special Diabetes Program for Indians, and the HRSA Health Center Program.

Eagle Creek Fire District #1

The safety and security of Oregonians is one of Jeff’s top concerns. Proper equipment, staffing, and funding for local fire departments can make all the difference in ensuring Oregonians’ protection from fire and other natural dangers. Recently, Jeff took initiative to help the Clackamas Fire Department receive essential funding from

Audrey Keller and Bruce Shelquist

Each time a constituent reaches out with a personal concern, Jeff takes the opportunity to see how he can help. When Audrey Keller and Bruce Shelquist of Milwaukie contacted Jeff’s office in August and explained that they had still not received their 2017 tax return, Jeff’s team took initiative to

Erika Kushtan of Portland

The United States has one of the most convoluted visa application processes in the world. Petitioning for a visa and entrance into the country can take months, and sometimes the application isn’t even approved.            Portland resident and Oregon constituent Erika Kushtan recognizes firsthand the difficulty

Getting Immediate Help to Veterans in Crisis

With too many hoops and unnecessary obstacles in the way for veterans in crisis to receive help, Mr. Dan Davis called the Veterans Administration (VA) and the FCC with a recommendation to simplify the suicide hotline telephone number. Under the former system, military veterans seeking help and suicide prevention assistance

Helping Fix Oregonian’s Tax Fraud Issue with IRS

Despite working in the cybersecurity industry and having knowledge about identity theft, Mark Ertle wasn’t able to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft himself. When Ertle filed his taxes a few years ago, he found out that his refund had already been given out to a criminal who filed
