As Court Rules Pruitt Must Release Emails by Tuesday, Merkley Demands Delay of Floor Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after an Oklahoma court ruled that Trump’s EPA nominee, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, must release up to 3,000 emails containing his communications with coal, oil and gas companies by next Tuesday. Under Pruitt’s direction, the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office has tried to keep the emails secret for over two years. Pruitt’s nomination is currently scheduled for a final vote tomorrow.

“I applaud Judge Timmons’ decision to release Pruitt’s email correspondence with oil and gas companies. This transparency is essential to fair consideration of Pruitt’s nomination.

“But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is forcing the Senate to vote tomorrow on Pruitt even though his emails won’t be released until Tuesday. This is an egregious cover up that must not stand.”
