Author: Marcy Sutter

Merkley Speaks Out Against Hedge Fund Involvement in Housing Market, Highlights Housing Crisis

Senator Merkley spoke about housing affordability and the grip of hedge funds on our housing market during a Senate Budget Committee hearing titled “A Blueprint for Prosperity: Expanding Housing Affordability” on January 31, 2024. Read more about the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act:

Merkley Calls for Ceasefire and Massive Increase in Humanitarian Aid for Gaza on U.S. Senate Floor

Senator Merkley spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate about the need for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and a massive influx of humanitarian aid into Gaza.   Read Senator Merkley’s op-ed in the Oregonian:   Read more about Senator Merkley’s visit to the Rafah Crossing, Egypt,

My Visit to the Rafah Crossing and the Urgent Need to get Humanitarian Aid into Gaza

This weekend marked 100 days in the Israel-Hamas war. I recently visited the Rafah Crossing and saw first-hand the badly broken system preventing life-saving aid from reaching Palestinians in Gaza. I’ve called for a ceasefire, which is critical to stopping this humanitarian catastrophe. Read my op-ed in the Oregonian:

23 Accomplishments in 2023

As 2023 wraps up, I’m reflecting on the progress we’ve made for folks across our country—and the work still to do to take on the powerful and deliver for the people. Let’s build on that progress in 2024!

Senator Merkley on the Devastating Impact of Wildfires in Oregon

Senator Merkley spoke about the impact of wildfires on communities in Oregon and the growing threat of climate chaos during a Senate Environment and Public Works hearing titled “The Science of Extreme Event Attribution: How Climate Change is Fueling Severe Weather Events” on November 1, 2023. Watch the full hearing:

Helping an Oregon Veteran Leave Behind his Legacy

America’s veterans have made countless sacrifices to protect our values and freedoms. Military medals and ribbons are critical symbols of recognizing these sacrifices, achievements, and dedication to duty, but sometimes veterans do not receive the medals they have earned and deserve.  When veterans run into roadblocks to accessing these key

Senator Merkley Speaks Out in Support of Aid for Ukraine

Senator Merkley spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate on November 7, 2023 in support of continued aid to Ukraine, highlighting that ripping aid for Ukraine out of the emergency supplemental bill would fracture the NATO alliance and weaken America’s leadership in defending democracy. He urged his colleagues to

Senator Merkley Questions Expert on Protecting Wetlands

Senator Merkley spoke with Dr. Mažeika Patricio Sulliván, Director of the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science at Clemson University, during an Environment and Public Works Committee hearing entitled “Examining the Implications of Sackett v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Clean Water Act Protections of Wetlands and Streams.”
