Category: Newsroom

Providing Assistance to Unemployed Americans will Aid Economy

 Mr. President, I rise today to address the devastating jobs crisis hitting my home state of Oregon. Last Monday we got new job numbers and on the surface it was good news.  The rate of unemployment dropped from 12.2% to 11.5%.  Of course, we would all expect that this is

Health Care Reform will Cut Costs for Small Businesses

It is a pleasure to stand to talk about health care following upon the remarks of Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Mark Warner, both whom as governors had the opportunity to know firsthand how important health care reform is to taking our nation forward.  They come from very diverse states, but

An Oregon Perspective: Creating Jobs Through Health Care Reform

Over the summer, we heard about the tragic losses many American families have endured as a result of our broken health care system.  There are too many stories of folks who lost a loved one because their insurance didn’t cover a life-saving treatment, or lost their homes because they were


Thursday, October 15, 2009 I’m delighted to join my colleagues from Colorado and from Alaska to tackle some of the myths that are being presented about health care reform.   It’s startling to stand on the floor and hear increasingly shrill presentations from those who wish to defend the status quo

Strengthening Insurance For Those Who Have It

I’m delighted to join my colleagues from Colorado and from Alaska to tackle some of the myths that are being presented about health care reform.   It’s startling to stand on the floor and hear increasingly shrill presentations from those who wish to defend the status quo broken system of health


Thursday, October 1, 2009 Madam President, a week ago, freshmen democratic senators came to this floor to discuss as a group how our current health care system is broken and unsustainable. Today, we return to address the challenge of runaway costs and how health care reform can bend the cost

Controlling the Runaway Costs of Health care

Madam President, a week ago, freshmen democratic senators came to this floor to discuss as a group how our current health care system is broken and unsustainable. Today, we return to address the challenge of runaway costs and how health care reform can bend the cost curve, making health care


Wednesday, September 23, 2009 There were 11 town halls in Oregon this August. I heard a lot of heartfelt anger and confusion from Oregonians about health care in our nation. I am sure it echoed the confusion and frustration from voice across our nation. A lot Oregonians came out to

Health Care Status Quo Wrong for American Businesses and Families

There were 11 town halls in Oregon this August. I heard a lot of heartfelt anger and confusion from Oregonians about health care in our nation. I am sure it echoed the confusion and frustration from voice across our nation. A lot Oregonians came out to tell me that they

An Oregon Perspective: Bringing Down the Cost of Health Care

Recently, I held a number of town hall meetings in Eastern and Central Oregon. Whether I was in Crook County, Wallowa or Harney, the number one issue on people’s minds was health care reform. Oregonians want to know what will change, what will remain, and how much this will cost
