Category: Videos

Video Rally – Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act Introduction

Join us for a rally on the #BreakFreeFromPlastic Pollution Act! Many of us were taught the three R’s—reduce, reuse, and recycle—and figured that as long as we got our plastic items into those blue bins, we could keep our plastic use in check and protect our planet. But the reality

For the People Act Senate Introduction

Press conference featuring Senator Merkley, Senator Schumer, and Senator Klobuchar talking about the importance of passing S.1, the For the People Act.

USPS processing facility inspection

I inspected the main Portland USPS processing facility today, and remain deeply concerned by what I heard. We need to restore USPS from this political sabotage. I know the American people will continue to fight to restore our postal service. It is one of our country’s most beloved institutions, and
