Election betting: Senator Jeff Merkley warns of potential corruption


BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) —  Betting on the outcome of elections was incredibly popular this year, but Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley continues to speak out against it.

 According to MarketWatch, bettors placed more than $5 million in bets on the presidential election. Senator Merkley says this goes far beyond recreational betting, with big companies placing large bets, and then spending more money to influence to outcome of the election.

“It’s like betting on a baseball game where you control the umpire. That is a corrupt proposition in itself, and in this case because it attacks the integrity of the core function of democracy, the ballot box, it’s simply wrong,” Merkley told NewsChannel 21 on Wednesday.

The senator also said he sees the appeal of betting for sport, or even gauging who the public thinks will win. Merkley said he is open to exploring the idea of limiting betting to a certain amount.
