Merkley: Republicans Playing Politics with Crisis at Southern Border

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley today issued the following statement regarding his vote on bipartisan border security legislation:

“The crisis at our southern border is a direct result of a systematic effort by MAGA Republicans to obstruct every meaningful attempt to enact immigration reform.

“Today, I will vote to support opening debate on critical issues like how best to improve our asylum system, address the flow of fentanyl coming into our country, and fulfill our promises to people who helped us in Afghanistan. I am ready to act to help fix our broken immigration system. Republicans, who have repeatedly killed bipartisan efforts to do so, are clearly not.

“If Republicans had not obstructed this bill, I would have sought votes on amendments to address the full scope of America’s broken immigration system, including protections for our Dreamers, comprehensive reforms for the treatment of children, a solution to critical worker shortages, and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented, longtime-contributing residents of this country. I have deep concerns about some of the substance of this bill, but I believe it is the duty of the Senate to publicly debate the tough issues before the American people.

“After today, one thing should be clear about the problems at our southern border: Democrats are willing to put in the work to fix them, Republicans are not.”

