Wyden, Merkley: Más de $1,1 millones para escuelas del área metropolitana para cuidado infantil en el campus

Washington DC – Senadores estadounidenses Ron Wyden y Jeff Merkley
today announced that Portland State University (PSU) and Portland Community
College (PCC) will receive a combined more than $1.1 million from the U.S.
Department of Education to provide on-campus child care for low-income students
who are parents.

“Parenting while pursuing higher education is incredibly
challenging, so alleviating the added cost and commute time of off-campus child
care provides parenting students a lifeline at PSU and PCC,” Wyden said. “With
the costs of child care skyrocketing and scarce supply of licensed care slots
in the Portland Metro region, families without means are often left scrambling.
On-campus child care will really make the difference for many Oregon families.”

“Higher education has the ability to connect students with
opportunities to thrive and build stronger communities and economies, but far
too often obstacles keep people from taking this route, including finding
affordable child care,” Merkley said. “This funding for on-campus child care at
PCC and PSU will provide many Oregon parents with the peace of mind in knowing
that their children are being well cared-for so they can pursue higher

The U.S. Dept. of Education’s Child Care Access Means
Parents in School (CCAMPIS) program supports low-income parenting students in
postsecondary education by providing campus-based child care services. PSU will
receive $572,360 and PCC will receive $618,556.

“Portland Community College is grateful to receive CCAMPIS
funding, for many parents, affordable childcare is a barrier to higher
education and graduation. This funding will bolster childcare programs on PCC
campuses and provide additional wrap-around support, allowing more student
parents to persist and complete their degrees and attain greater economic
mobility,” said PCC President Dr. Adrien Bennings.

“Portland State University serves a richly diverse
student population in terms of race, age and background,” said PSU
President Stephen Percy. “A quarter of our student population have
children so providing on-campus options for child care is extremely important
for their success in the classroom. We’re grateful for this funding to support
those students and help PSU to continue to provide safe and engaging
environments for their children.”
