Merkley aplaude la importante acción del Senado para poner fin al apoyo de Estados Unidos a los ataques saudíes en Yemen

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement after the Senate voted 63-37 to advance a resolution that would force the Trump Administration to withdraw U.S. military support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen:

“It is long past time we stopped supporting Saudi Arabia in the atrocities taking place in Yemen. Already, 85,000 children have starved to death and millions more are at risk of starvation if we don’t act. Today’s vote sends a strong bipartisan message to Saudi Arabia that the U.S. Senate will no longer stand by and tolerate this horrifying humanitarian crisis.

“I hope today’s vote marks a major turning point in Yemen’s humanitarian catastrophe—one that has already cost far too many civilian lives, and one we must work urgently with the global community to end.

“As we pursue accountability for Jamal Khashoggi’s murder and other human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, today’s vote also sends an important signal that the Senate will no longer turn a blind eye to the Saudi leadership’s misdeeds.”

Merkley has been a leading voice in the Senate opposing American munitions sales and refueling missions in support of the Saudi war efforts. He has led colleagues in urging the Trump Administration to change course, and introduced an amendment to the Pentagon’s annual authorization bill calling for an end to refueling support.
