Merkley critica el sabotaje de la atención sanitaria de Trump

WASHINGTON, DC – El senador de Oregón, Jeff Merkley, emitió la siguiente declaración después de que el presidente Donald Trump anunciara el jueves por la noche que la administración Trump dejará de pagar los pagos de Reducción de Costos Compartidos (CSR) de atención médica. Sin los pagos del CSR, las tarifas de los seguros médicos experimentarán aumentos de dos dígitos (en muchos casos, 20% o más).

“This is what sabotage looks like. With this action, President Trump is punishing American families for his own legislative failures. Since he couldn’t get Congress to pass his devastating repeal bill, he’s now trying to push the Affordable Care Act to collapse so that his own politically-driven prophecies will come true.

“This announcement is just the latest step in a concerted sabotage campaign, including cutting the 2018 enrollment period in half, virtually eliminating the advertising and community outreach that ensures Americans know about the opportunity to get health care, and scheduled ‘maintenance’ on the enrollment website that will keep it down every Sunday during the open enrollment period.

“Access to health care is a life-or-death issue. Period. This despicable sabotage campaign is the definition of playing politics with people’s lives, and it must end immediately.

“It is essential that Congress rectify Trump’s sabotage in December when we pass the next government funding bill.”
