Wyden, Merkley y los senadores presentan un proyecto de ley bipartidista para financiar completamente el Fondo de Conservación de Tierras y Aguas

Oregon’s U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, as well as 20 other senators introduced bipartisan legislation to permanently authorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which conserves and promotes access to America’s national parks, forests and public lands.

After expiring for the first time in 50 years, Congress voted in December 2015 to extend the program’s authorization for only three years.

“The Land and Water Conservation Fund has proven to be a spectacular investment for the places that make this country special, for the people who benefit from access to those places for hunting, fishing and camping, and for the local communities that host these truly remarkable resources,” Wyden said. “Fully funding this program will allow communities across the country to continue protecting our nation’s public lands and providing access for the outdoor activities Americans enjoy.”

“Growing up in Oregon, I couldn’t imagine life without access to camping, hiking, fishing and more,” Merkley said. “The projects made possible by the Land and Water Conservation Fund have impacted countless lives, and we owe it to future generations to pay it forward by fully funding and making permanent this essential program. Public lands that are open and accessible to all are a key part of our recreation economy, and even more importantly, of who we are as Americans.”

Outdoor recreation drives economic growth, creates jobs and produces significant revenues for local communities. The Land and Water Conservation Fund is the key federal investment in a sector that has supported more than 6 million American jobs and contributes $600 billion annually to our nation’s economy.

The LWCF, established in 1965, funds the purchase and development of parks, wildlife refuges and recreation resources of federal, state, and local lands and facilities. The program provides funding for additions to national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests and other federal public lands used for outdoor recreation and habitat preservation.
