Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, others condemn Donald Trump refugee, immigration orders

Members of Oregon’s congressional delegation have all released statements about President Donald Trump’s executive orders on immigration and refugee travel.

Oregon’s sole Republican in Congress, Rep. Greg Walden, was the only member of the delegation who did not condemn the orders, issued Friday. The president’s actions set off days of protests in Oregon and around the country.

On Monday, several Democrats joined a candlelight vigil outside the Supreme Court building. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, as well as Reps. Earl Blumenauer and Suzanne Bonamici called on Trump to reverse his orders.

Reps. Kurt Schrader and Peter DeFazio also released statements condemning the orders as antithetical to American values.

Walden said in a statement Monday that he wanted more clarity on the details of Trump’s plans. His full statement:

“The number one job of the President is to keep America safe. While I, too, seek additional clarity on the details of the President’s plan, we need to make sure that extremists who seek to do us harm are not able to infiltrate a system designed for legitimate visitors, refugees, and immigrants.”

Merkley said: “The president’s ban on Muslims and refugees offends fundamental American values. We’re a nation that treasures religious freedom and religious tolerance. We’re a nation that doesn’t slam the door shut on refugees fleeing persecution and blight. Moreover, the Muslim ban profoundly endangers our security by feeding the fires of ISIS propaganda promoting the idea that America is at war with Islam. It endangers all Americans.”

Wyden’s statement: “America is a nation of immigrants and refugees who came to these shores fleeing persecution and seeking unparalleled opportunities for freedom. Today we stand together against those who would betray both the law and our history to impose an unconstitutional religious test on immigrants. This illegal order endangers America by emboldening terrorists and undercutting our allies in the fight against ISIS. Simply put, we’re going to fight like hell against this cruel, senseless and un-American order.”

Blumenauer said: “This weekend, we all watched in horror as the immediate impacts of Donald Trump’s cruel and unjustified executive order to turn away immigrants and refugees took shape. Families are being torn apart. Innocent people are being detained. This will not stand. Together, we are fighting this injustice and will do everything we can to put a stop to this executive order.”

Bonamici said: “Turning our backs on refugees betrays our American values and won’t make our country safer. The discriminatory and unconstitutional Executive Order created chaos among federal agencies over the weekend, spurred protests at PDX and across the country, and left immigrant families in crisis. I am proud to stand with my Oregon colleagues against this ban and get to work keeping our country safe and upholding the American value of religious freedom.”

Schrader said: “To unilaterally stop visas for 90 days and refugees fleeing persecution, murder and rape for 120 days without cause, due process or justification goes against everything we hold dear in the Constitution. This president has shown absolutely no respect for or understanding of the democratic republic he supposedly represents. It is time for Congress, the constitutional lawmaking body, to assert itself. This is dangerous to our own liberty.”

DeFazio said: “President Trump’s ill-conceived and unlawful executive order uses false rhetoric and preys upon Americans’ fears without doing anything to address the real terrorist threats facing our nation. Instead, it sends a dangerous message that Muslims are not welcome in America, alienates our allies, and serves as a recruiting tool for ISIS and other terrorists groups. This irresponsible action puts our nation at risk and stands in opposition to the ideals that our country was founded upon. It’s clear to me that my colleagues in Congress on both sides of the aisle will need to work together to restrain President Trump from inflicting more damage to our country.”
