Los legisladores aplauden la interrupción de la biomasa de la EPA

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental respondió el miércoles a una solicitud del senador de Oregón, Jeff Merkley, para despejar el camino para la producción de energía de biomasa en Oregón y otros estados, anunciando que la EPA eximirá las emisiones de carbono de las instalaciones de biomasa de la regulación de la Ley de Aire Limpio durante al menos tres años. .

Because biomass is produced from renewable resources in the United States, it has a significant role to play in reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and combating climate change.

In a letter to Senator Merkley, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson stated that the agency will defer application of emissions rules to biomass energy facilities while the agency engages in a scientific review to determine the best means of accounting for the environmental benefits of biomass fuel. Senator Merkley requested this specific action in a letter to Administrator Jackson and in ongoing dialogue with the administrator and other senior White House officials over the past year.

“Oregon is poised to grow into a world leader in biomass energy production,” Merkley said. “Today’s decision marks a victory for rural Oregon, timber communities, and the future of the industry in our state. Increased production and use of home-grown, American biomass energy will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and create jobs here in Oregon.”

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