Wyden y Merkley anuncian $26 millones en fondos para las áreas de Portland y Willamette Valley

Washington DC
– Continuing efforts to improve the economy and the state’s infrastructure, U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) announced that the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010 will contain more than $26 million in funding for projects in Portland and the Willamette Valley.

“These dollars will create real, tangible jobs that will result in multiple benefits to our local communities,” said Wyden.  “Rebuilding infrastructure, providing public safety and national defense, and taking care of kids and others who cannot help themselves are the bedrock responsibilities of government.”
“These projects will create jobs for Oregonians from Portland to Dallas to Salem, and give local communities a crucial economic boost,” said Merkley.  “It’s also important that we lend a helping hand to Oregon families and give them the support they need to overcome difficult circumstances.”

These projects are part of an omnibus appropriations bill that matches the one passed by the House of Representatives. The omnibus bill combined the Labor and Health and Human Services, Financial Services, Military Construction, Transportation/Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Justice and Science, and State-Foreign Operations Appropriations bills. The vote held last weekend concluded the congressional appropriations process for those bills requiring only the president’s signature to become law.
Projects for the Portland and Willamette Valley Areas include:
Polk County Readiness Center- $12,100,000
The purpose of this project is to replace the existing armory in Dallas, Oregon to adequately accommodate the 162 Engineer Company.  Specifically, the project would design and construct a 40,263 square foot readiness center to support administrative and training functions of 162 Engineer Company (MAC), with adequate classroom and administrative space for training and operations for homeland security, antiterrorism and force protection.
Infraestructura de Camp Withycombe – $1,226,000
This project will support existing and future construction, such as improvements to roads with curbs and landscaping, fitting storm and sewer systems with a new manhole connection, improvements to the power infrastructure and replacement of all overhead copper with fiber communication systems. The project will also reconfigure gas lines and connections, install new water lines with new building connections and valves as well as install lights in compounds and on the street.
Sellwood Bridge (Multnomah County) Replacement Project – $1,266,200
Funds will be used for the final design of a new bridge across the Willamette River in Southeast Portland.
Columbia River Crossing – $1,000,000
Funds will be used to reduce congestion, promote safety, and increase accessibility for drivers, transit, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Tooze Road Improvements- $800,000
Funding for this project completes the larger Boeckman Road extension project across the Coffee Lake wetlands by widening the current Tooze Road to three lanes from 110th Avenue to Grahams Ferry Rd, improving the intersection with the Grahams Ferry Road freight route, and adding bike/pedestrian connections to regional trail system, which is a Metro regional government goal.
Columbia County Multi-Modal Transit Facility- $800,000
This project is to construct a multi-modal public transit facility, including administration office, vehicle maintenance and storage facility, and park and ride/car pool.
Primera iniciativa para niños del condado de Marion: $740,000
Funds will be used to target resources to successful programs and services focused on children affected by meth addiction in “high-risk” families.
Disease Reduction in Klamath River Salmon- $600,000
Funds awarded will research management actions to reduce disease (ceratomyxosis) in natural juvenile salmon of the Klamath River. Research will be conducted through controlled laboratory and field experiments administered by collaborations between OSU, Humboldt State University, the University of California, Davis, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Yurok and Karuk Tribes, and California and Oregon governmental agencies.
Youth Development Initiative- $525,000
This funding will support Self Enhancement’s highly successful core program serves over 1,000 inner-city students ages 8-25 in year-round goal-oriented academic, enrichment, family involvement, and post high programs. Students enter the program in second grade with barriers to success, continue with the program throughout their education, and are expected to become “Positive, Contributing Citizens” who have completed at least two years of post-secondary education or two years of successful workforce experience by age 25.
Oregon State Police Mobile Data Center – $500,000
Funds will be spent to upgrade and enhance applications to allow secure mobile access for Oregon State Police Officers and to develop applications that can generate reports, write citations, and support mobile video systems.

Public Safety Technology Improvements- $500,000
Requested funds would be used to expand regional training, security and communications facilities.  This will provide equipment and services for a Regional Command Training and Simulation Center; provide video surveillance and monitoring equipment in the regional adult corrections facility; and provide equipment and upgrades to add local corrections and parole and probation personnel to the regional interoperable communications system
Multnomah County Re-Entry Services- $500,000
The funding would support a number of services and strategies to assist offenders who have completed their prison and jail terms, and are returning to the community. More specifically, these funds will be used to increase the number of people receiving transitional services as they leave prison and jail by a third, to double the number of transitional housing beds available for returning offenders, increase outpatient treatment slots, and retain mentors and an employment specialist.
Simulation Equipment for Lane Community College’s Nursing Program Expansion- $500,000
Funding under this appropriation provides critical health information technology, simulation equipment, and other health care training equipment to allow Lane Community College to expand training and professional programs in the health care professions.
Offender Treatment and Transition Program- $500,000
This program would be an in-custody, evidence based treatment program for up to 36 local adult sentenced felony and misdemeanor offenders. Targeted interventions such as drug and alcohol and anger management treatment, among others, will be provided for those offenders identified as potentially benefiting from those programs.  Another component of this program will be focused on preparing the offender for pro-social community reintegration via such proven methods as cognitive restructuring and positive reinforcement.
Infrastructure Water Line Looping Improvements at the Mill Creek Employment Center- $500,000
The project is a joint partnership between the City of Salem and the State of Oregon.  The proposed Infrastructure Water Line Looping Improvements consist of a 9,000 linear foot water pipe (18 feet in diameter) extending from Deer Park Road to Aumsville Highway.
Rx to Save Teens’ Lives – $470,000
Los fondos se utilizarán para prevenir el abuso de medicamentos recetados a través de programas educativos para jóvenes y padres, así como para lanzar una campaña en los medios de comunicación en todo el estado destinada a informar a los residentes sobre los peligros del abuso de medicamentos recetados.
Proyecto Estado Limpio – $450,000
Funds will be used to support a program that reduces legal and practical barriers from individuals who can’t obtain housing, employment, education and other services.
Clackamas Community College Renewable Energy and Sustainability Center- $400,000
This funding will be used to partner with industry to address new and emerging renewable energy opportunities poised for economic growth and job creation.  To promote renewable energy workforce and training programs to businesses and students throughout Oregon.  To create academic and career pathways that lead people to credentials for jobs and careers in renewable energy.
Centro de preparación del condado de Washington: $386,000
The funding will provide for the design of a replacement to the existing armory in Hillsboro, Ore. to adequately accommodate units of D Company, 2nd Battalion of the 162 Infantry Regiment. It would construct a 37,707 sq. ft. facility to support administrative and training functions for the unit with adequate classroom and administrative space for training and operations for homeland security, anti-terrorism, and force protection.
Sequoia Mental Health Clinic- $350,000
This is funding for an integrated technology network, to include Electronic Clinical Record and Claims Submission software, computers, and clinic furnishings for the Sequoia Mental Health Clinic, a new clinic being developed in partnership with Sequoia Mental Health Services, Inc., a nonprofit mental health provider agency.
Helping our Heroes – Preventing Suicide Among Oregon Soldiers and Providing Support to Military Families – $300,000
Este proyecto creará una línea exclusiva en Oregon en el centro de llamadas LifeLine de Oregon Partnership para los soldados que regresan y sus familias que enfrentan problemas de salud mental, suicidio y alcohol y drogas. El programa brindará apoyo práctico a niños y familias de militares antes, durante y después del despliegue de un padre o un ser querido. Las llamadas serán atendidas por veteranos de guerra capacitados.
Washington County Drug Court – $300,000
Funds will be used in conjunction with State and local resources to sustain and enhance operation of the Washington County Drug Court.
Corvallis Highway 99 widening project – $292,200
Los fondos se utilizarán para ampliar la autopista 99 para aumentar la seguridad pública.
Albany 53rd Avenue Bridge and Roadway Extension Project – $292,200
Funds will be used for roadway extension to reduce traffic and increase public safety.
Tualatin Quiet Zone- $250,000
This project would fund the construction of safety improvements to the highway rail grade crossings that directly impact properties in Tualatin.  The project intent is to provide increased safety measures for highway rail grade crossings and also be able to provide a better quality of life by eliminating the need for regular sounding of the train horns.
Downtown Revitalization “Toolbox” Program- $200,000
The “Toolbox” program contains a variety of financial incentives to encourage revitalization, preservation of historic buildings and new construction within the downtown core.  Programs include interior and exterior matching grant funds, below market interest rate commercial loans, and special housing opportunity funds to encourage development of all types of housing in the downtown core.
Sustainable Careers for a Green Economic Recovery- $200,000
The Portland Community College (PCC) Sustainable Careers for a Green Economic Recovery program will provide intensive job training in the critical areas of alternative energy, green construction, maintenance, design, and alternative fuel technologies, including developing curriculum, offering training classes, and purchasing specialized equipment. PCC serves a five-county area (Washington, Multnomah, Columbia, Yamhill, and Clackamas Counties).
The Multidisciplinary Institute for Neuropsychiatric Diagnosis at OHSU – $200,000
Funds will be used to research and develop tests for psychiatric disorders associated with methamphetamine abuse.
Integrated Health Care Facility at Cascade Locks- $150,000
This funding will be used for design and construction costs associated with building a $1.8 million Integrated Health Care Facility in the City of Cascade Locks in Hood River County.   Hood River County and a consortium of health care providers in Hood River have been raising funds for this new health care facility for the past five years.
Vernonia School Equipment Replacement – $150,000
This project will fund new network infrastructure, computer equipment, and furniture in all three Vernonia schools damaged by the flooding in 2007. The funding would also go toward the technology needed to provide adequate internet and computer access for students.
Providing Early Childhood Development and Education Via Therapeutic Classrooms for Children at Risk of Abuse and Neglect – $100,000
La financiación de este proyecto ayudará a crear aulas terapéuticas en cada una de las 11 guarderías de socorro de Oregón. Este es un programa que apoya el desarrollo natural y normal de niños que están experimentando desafíos temprano en sus vidas debido al estrés de su entorno hogareño y la amenaza de abuso.
Iniciativa de metanfetamina interinstitucional del condado de Clackamas: $100,000
Funding will be used to curb the epidemic use of methamphetamine in Clackamas County.
Making Smiles, Changing Lives: Providing Low-Cost Dental Care to Uninsured, Underserved Children – $100,000
This funding will go toward improving Kiddazzle, a program that recruits dental professionals to provide low-cost or free restorative and preventive dental services to uninsured or underserved children. This funding will increase the number of volunteers in the network, penetrate rural, outlying and hard-to-reach communities in each county, provide follow-up care for children receiving emergency care through other programs, and educate target populations on preventive care.
Providing Early Childhood Development and Education Via Therapeutic Classrooms for Children at Risk of Abuse and Neglect – $100,000
La financiación de este proyecto ayudará a crear aulas terapéuticas en cada una de las 11 guarderías de socorro de Oregón. Este es un programa que apoya el desarrollo natural y normal de niños que están experimentando desafíos temprano en sus vidas debido al estrés de su entorno hogareño y la amenaza de abuso.
Silverton Senior and Disabled Transportation Service – $38,404
Funds will be used to purchase an ADA accessible van, reducing maintenance and operating costs.
