Author: Marcy Sutter

Merkley preside la audiencia del subcomité sobre la reducción de los desechos de un solo uso: declaración de apertura

On July, 27, 2023, Senator Merkley chaired a Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Chemical Safety, Environmental Justice, and Regulatory Oversight Subcommittee hearing examining solutions for reducing single-use waste and expanding refill and reuse infrastructure. Link to Full Hearing: Witnesses Include: Dacie Meng, Policy and Institutions Senior Manager

El senador Jeff Merkley responsabiliza a la TSA por el reconocimiento facial

Senator Merkley was at Reagan Washington National Airport on Friday, July 28, 2023 and recounts his experience with TSA’s use of facial recognition technology. Read more about Sen. Merkley’s previous encounter with TSA facial recognition technology:

El Senador Merkley preside la audiencia del subcomité de EPW sobre la reducción de desechos de un solo uso

On July, 27, 2023, Senator Merkley chairs a Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Chemical Safety, Environmental Justice, and Regulatory Oversight Subcommittee hearing examining solutions for reducing single-use waste and expanding refill and reuse infrastructure. Witnesses Include: Dacie Meng, Policy and Institutions Senior Manager (North America), Ellen MacArthur Foundation

El senador Merkley responsabiliza a la TSA por el uso del reconocimiento facial

Senator Merkley was back at Reagan Washington National Airport on Friday to hold the TSA accountable for their practices on using facial recognition technology, which the agency claims is “voluntary.” Know that you can refuse to use facial recognition technology at the airport and you should be easily accommodated by

Prohibición de admisiones heredadas

On July 26, 2023, Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) teamed up to introduce the Fair College Admissions for Students Act, legislation to ban so-called legacy admissions—schools giving preference to the children of alumni and donors during the competitive college admissions process.   Learn more about the

Merkley y Wyden instan a la FERC a rechazar la expansión del oleoducto de gas fósil

Senadores: “GTN Xpress es simplemente incompatible con las leyes de los estados de Oregón y Washington”. Washington, DC – Hoy, los senadores estadounidenses de Oregón, Jeff Merkley y Ron Wyden, enviaron una carta a la Comisión Federal de Regulación de Energía (FERC, por sus siglas en inglés) en seguimiento a solicitudes anteriores de denegación de permisos para gas de TC Energy.


Washington, DC – El jueves 27 de julio a las 9:45 am hora del este, el senador estadounidense de Oregón, Jeff Merkley, presidirá una audiencia del subcomité para identificar vías para ampliar la infraestructura de recarga y reutilización en un esfuerzo por reducir los desechos de un solo uso. Esta audiencia es la siguiente de una serie de audiencias que Merkley está celebrando en el
