Cardin, Rubio, Kaine, Cassidy, Merkley Introduce Resolution Welcoming Paraguay President, Supporting U.S.-Paraguay Relationship

WASHINGTON – Today, as Paraguay celebrates the 213el anniversary of its independence, U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.). Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) are introducing a Senate resolution welcoming President Santiago Peña of Paraguay to the United States, as well as commemorating the 163-year bilateral relationship between the Republic of Paraguay and the United States.

“The United States and Paraguay have a long and rich history based on our mutual support for strengthening democratic institutions, the rule of law, and pursuing economic opportunities for shared growth and prosperity,” said Chair Cardin. “As this critical relationship continues to grow, so should our joint efforts to counter human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, money-laundering, and other illicit cross-border activities. I welcome President Peña to the United States, and I am excited to continue our countries’ collective work to address the pressing issues facing our hemisphere.”

“Amid the commemoration of Paraguay’s Independence Day, I am pleased to welcome Paraguayan President Santiago Peña,” dijo el senador Rubio. “Earlier this year, I was honored to visit Asunción and witness firsthand the importance of our nations’ bilateral ties, which are crucial for continued stability and security in our region.”

“The U.S. and Paraguay share strong ties and a deep commitment to democracy,” dijo el senador Kaine. “I’m proud to join my colleagues in welcoming Paraguayan President Santiago Peña to the United States this week. We must continue to support efforts to strengthen U.S.-Paraguay relations, boost trade to support economic growth, and expand cooperation on regional issues.”

“Paraguay is an important U.S. partner in the hemisphere,” dijo el Dr. Cassidy. “They are a vibrant democracy, an ally against the Venezuelan dictatorship, and the only country in South America that continues to recognize Taiwan. This resolution emphasizes that the United States and Paraguay are allies with common goals so that both countries benefit.”

“The United States and Paraguay have long had an enduring partnership bolstered by a shared commitment to strengthening democratic values, transparency, and inclusive economic growth,” dijo el senador Merkley. “I welcome President Peña and look forward to a future of continued collaboration and prosperity.”

Se encuentra disponible una copia de la resolución. aquí.

