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Merkley opposes Sessions as AG, reacts to rebuke

WASHINGTON – Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., took the 2-4 a.m. shift on the Senate floor early Wednesday as Democrats protested the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., to be the nation’s next attorney general, but a majority of colleagues confirmed President Trump’s choice later in the day. Much of the

Declaración de Merkley sobre la nominación de Jeff Sessions como fiscal general

WASHINGTON, DC – El Senador de Oregon, Jeff Merkley, emitió la siguiente declaración sobre el candidato a Fiscal General, el Senador Jeff Sessions (R-AL). Merkley tomó la palabra de 2 am a 4 am esta mañana para protestar por la nominación de Sessions. “En 1986, Coretta Scott King escribió en una carta al Comité Judicial del Senado que Jeff Sessions

Iranian baby girl caught in Trump travel ban headed to US, governor says

(CNN)An Iranian infant with a heart defect is entangled in President Trump’s immigration ban — and her extended family in Oregon is on an urgent mission to get her to the US for critical surgery. Fatemeh’s parents were scheduled to meet with doctors in Portland on February 5, but were
