Declaración de Merkley sobre las sanciones a Irán
WASHINGTON, DC – El senador de Oregón, Jeff Merkley, emitió la siguiente declaración después de votar en contra de la legislación de sanciones a Irán en el Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado: “Irán es una fuerza destructiva y malévola en el escenario global. La búsqueda de Irán de tecnología de misiles balísticos, sus crímenes en Siria, su apoyo al terrorismo y sus intentos
Merkley y la Coalición Bipartidista de Senadores Impulsan Asistencia Rápida para la Hambruna Global
WASHINGTON, DC – En medio de una histórica crisis mundial de hambruna, una coalición bipartidista de senadores está presionando a la Administración Trump para que tome medidas rápidas para garantizar que la asistencia estadounidense recién dedicada llegue a las áreas afectadas por el hambre lo antes posible. Dirigido por el Senador de Oregón Jeff Merkley, un grupo bipartidista de miembros del Senado de Relaciones Exteriores
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Appoints A Special Counsel To Oversee Russia Probe
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has appointed a special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 election, ending weeks of speculation about how Rosenstein would respond to the growing chorus of lawmakers and advocacy groups calling for such a move. Rosenstein has named former FBI director Robert Mueller,
Two Congressmen and a Baby: Oregon’s Senators Are Ready to Confront Trump and Save the Country
Last week, President Donald Trump made a move that could end the FBI’s investigation of him. Oregon’s two U.S. senators say Trump only spurred them to further seek the truth. The sudden firing of the FBI director, James B. Comey, on May 9 presents a test of American institutions by
‘Where is your integrity?’: Jeff Merkley accuses Trump officials of ‘false story’ about Comey firing
Senator Jeff Merkley gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor Thursday about President Donald Trump’s firing of James Comey as FBI director. He called into question the integrity of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, insisting that their official explanations for backing Comey’s removal were a
Cómo puede detener la orden de 'licencia para discriminar'
Donald Trump is reported to be issuing a “license to discriminate” executive order Thursday, but don’t despair — not only will it undoubtedly be challenged in court, there are ways to try to stop it. GLAAD has started a petition against the order, reading simply, “I stand against any license to discriminate.”