Defender los derechos humanos y civiles

Democrats Introduce Sweeping, Historic Bill to Protect LGBT Rights

Members of Congress introduced on Thursday a historically comprehensive bill that would create federal standards to protect LGBT people from discrimination in housing, workplaces, schools, public accommodations, and financial transactions. Same-sex marriage is now the law of the land, but most states still lack laws explicitly prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people in other

Legislación histórica e integral contra la discriminación LGBT presentada en el Congreso

WASHINGTON, DC – Hoy, 40 senadores, encabezados por el senador de Oregón Jeff Merkley (D-OR), la senadora Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) y el senador Cory Booker (D-NJ), presentaron una legislación federal histórica e integral para prohibir la discriminación contra LGBT. Americanos. La legislación fue presentada simultáneamente en la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos por 158 representantes, encabezados por el Representante.

Lawmakers to Introduce Historic LGBT Non-Discrimination Bills

On Thursday, Sen. Jeff Merkley and Rep. David Cicilline are set to propose historically broad non-discrimination bills that will protect Americans from losing their jobs—or from being evicted from their apartment or other forms of discrimination—because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Supporters of the bills are using the

Here’s The Next Major Fight For The LGBT Community

WASHINGTON — Same-sex couples can finally get married everywhere in the country, thanks to the Supreme Court’s long-awaited ruling last month. A couple can exchange rings, dance the night away and then post pictures of the event on Facebook. Just like any other couple. But then their boss could find

Declaración de Merkley sobre el acuerdo nuclear con Irán

WASHINGTON, DC – El senador de Oregón, Jeff Merkley, emitió la siguiente declaración tras el anuncio de un acuerdo nuclear integral con Irán: “El anuncio de hoy es un hito importante en el esfuerzo por impedir que Irán busque un arma nuclear. Es esencial para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos y para
