Merkley aplaude audiencia en la Cámara sobre su ley Choose Medicare

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing today to consider the Choose Medicare Act, which Merkley co-authored along with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT):

“Every year, I hold an open town hall in each of Oregon’s counties. And every year, in red and blue counties alike, I hear from Oregonians who are fed up with the cost and complexity of our current health care system. They want a simple, seamless health care system they can rely on when they or a loved one is sick or injured.

“Fortunately, we already have such a system, and it’s extremely popular. It’s called Medicare. The Choose Medicare Act would create a Medicare option for all, giving every American the chance to get high-quality, affordable health care through a plan they already know and trust. The Choose Medicare Act creates the pathway we need to get to Medicare for All, so that no American ever needs to worry about going bankrupt just because they had the misfortune to become sick or injured.

“I thank the House for holding this hearing today, and I hope they will continue to move this important legislation forward in the weeks and months to come.”
