Merkley, Levin: Transition America to Zero-Emission Vehicles 

Washington, D.C. – Today, Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and Representative Mike Levin (D-CA-49) led colleagues in a bicameral introduction of the Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV) Act. This legislation would position the United States to lead the world both in vehicle innovation and combating climate chaos.

“Electric vehicles mean cleaner air and healthier communities,” dijo el senador Merkley. “Emissions from fossil powered vehicles contribute greatly to climate chaos, so a rapid transition to electric vehicles is essential. This transition will creatmi good jobs while making America the epicenter for the clean car revolution.”

“The U.S. must lead the way in electric vehicle technology, manufacturing, infrastructure, and sales. Congress has already created incentives that make it easier for drivers to transition to electric vehicles, while supporting a just workforce transition to a clean economy, but we must do more,” said Rep. Levin. "El Ley de vehículos de cero emisiones will accelerate EV adoption to help us reduce the negative public health impacts from air pollution and tackle climate change at the pace demanded by science. I’m proud to partner with Senator Merkley in reintroducing this legislation to take a leap towards a clean energy future.”

Over the last several years, Congress has passed policies that are already helping accelerate the transition to clean vehicles, including electric vehicle incentives in the Ley de Reducción de la Inflación, historic investments in electric vehicle charging infrastructure through the Ley de Infraestructura Bipartidista, and supercharging domestic chip manufacturing capabilities through the CHIPS y Ley de Ciencias.

El ZEV Act would require a certain percentage of new car sales to be electric vehicles each year, beginning with 43% in 2027, through 100% in 2035.

In addition to Merkley, this bill is also sponsored by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). In addition to Levin, this bill is also sponsored by Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR-01), Julia Brownley (D-CA-26), Judy Chu (D-CA-28), Jared Huffman (D-CA-02), Ro Khanna (D-CA-17), and Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).

Full bill text of the ZEV Act can be found by clicking aquí.

