Merkley: El renovado apoyo de Obama a la eficiencia energética debería hacer avanzar las iniciativas e impulsar la creación de empleo

Washington DC -
Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement Thursday in response to President Obama’s call for tax incentives and financing for energy efficient building renovations:

“Energy saving renovations are our best bet for creating a lot of jobs fast.  Beyond putting Americans to work, these renovations save families and businesses money, utilize materials made in America, and reduce harmful global warming pollution.  These energy efficiency efforts have the support of both Democrats and Republicans. I’m committed to continue working with my colleagues from both parties to get these initiatives in place.”

The proposal President Obama discussed today includes the commercial portion of Senator Merkley’s Clean Energy for Homes and Buildings Act.  In the 111el Congress, Senator Merkley also introduced several other bills promoting energy efficiency renovations, including Building Star y el Rural Energy Savings Program.  Senator Merkley also co-sponsored the legislation to create the Home Star energy efficiency program.
