En las noticias

Bend awarded $5 million federal grant to fuel affordable housing production

Bend Bulletin The city of Bend has received a $5 million grant intended to kickstart affordable housing supply, the federal government announced Wednesday. Awarded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the grant set the course for the city to identify and address policies that slow affordable housing

Wyden, Merkley, colleagues call on Postal Service to prepare for November election

KTVZ WASHINGTON (KTVZ) — Senator Ron Wyden said Thursday he is leading Senate colleagues including fellow Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley in calling on Postmaster General DeJoy and the U.S. Postal Service to share their plans to accommodate high volumes of mail expected in the upcoming 2024 general election in Oregon and nationwide.

Democrat senators push for climate change investment

With Congress working hard to approve funding to keep the government open, Democratic senators from the West Coast said the budget must include funding to deal with climate change. During a press call Wednesday, the senators, led by Patty Murray from Washington and Oregon’s two senators, said the country cannot

City Council urges Congress to end forced labor in prisons

City Council unanimously passed a resolution Thursday urging Congress to strike the slavery clause from the U.S. Constitution. The move supports Senate Joint Resolution 21 and House Joint Resolution 53. These pieces of legislation introduced by U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley and U.S. Rep. Nikema Williams propose a constitutional amendment that

Uyghur refugee: U.S. must stop buying Chinese slave labor products

A Uyghur refugee is advocating passage of bipartisan legislation that would prevent Chinese goods made by Uyghur slave labor from entering the U.S. market. Kuzzat Altay, 36, a Uyghur-American tech entrepreneur and human rights activist, arrived in the U.S. in 2008 as a refugee with no English skills and few
