En las noticias

Bend awarded $5 million federal grant to fuel affordable housing production

Bend Bulletin The city of Bend has received a $5 million grant intended to kickstart affordable housing supply, the federal government announced Wednesday. Awarded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the grant set the course for the city to identify and address policies that slow affordable housing

Wyden, Merkley, colleagues call on Postal Service to prepare for November election

KTVZ WASHINGTON (KTVZ) — Senator Ron Wyden said Thursday he is leading Senate colleagues including fellow Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley in calling on Postmaster General DeJoy and the U.S. Postal Service to share their plans to accommodate high volumes of mail expected in the upcoming 2024 general election in Oregon and nationwide.

Wyden, Merkley, Blumenauer, Bonamici blast secretive Obamacare replacement bill

Four Congressional Democrats from Oregon blasted Republican senators Tuesday for their vote on a secretive bill to advance a repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Earlier in the day, Republicans in the U.S. Senate narrowly approved a procedural move to go forward with a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare,

Peduto, senator hold green economy panel

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto and U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., held a panel to discuss environmental issues and green energy Friday in the Pittsburgh City Council Chambers. Merkley, was in town to meet with U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa.. The meeting was meant as an open forum about a green economy. “The economy

What’s Next in the War Over Obamacare?

You may have heard that Obamacare is “failing,” but really, it’s proved remarkably durable. The law has survived a flubbed rollout, uncooperative conservative state lawmakers, two legal challenges brought to the Supreme Court, more than 50 repeal votes in the House, and, at least for now, a rushed and secretive

Merkley: Trump Jr. Russia meeting ‘absolutely’ the smoking gun

Washington (CNN)For one Democratic senator, Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer is “absolutely” the smoking gun when it comes to the investigation into possible collusion with Russian election meddling — and has “violation of law written all over it.” Sen. Jeff Merkley, the junior senator from Oregon who
