En las noticias

Merkley Monthly: Making major investments in the Port of Coos Bay

The Coos Bay World Transforming the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay into the first fully ship-to-rail port facility on the West Coast is a huge opportunity for Oregon and our coastal communities. This project will create good-paying union jobs and permanent local jobs, increase West Coast port capacity by

Three Americans have been freed from prisons in China

NPR The Biden administration says the prisoners were all wrongfully held and that they are being reunited with their families for the first time in many years. They appear to be part of a prisoner swap. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: Three Americans have been freed from prisons in China. The Biden

Wyden, Merkley Announce Nearly $1.2 Million for Ecosystem Restoration in Oregon; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation award will benefit residents and projects along Tillamook River

Tillamook County Pioneer Washington D.C.—U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced a federal investment of $1.18 million for the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership to help fix the Burton-Fraser Road along the Tillamook River that is limiting fish passage. “Letting our infrastructure crumble over time to a point where it

Senators seek to save airport from Trump’s skinny budget

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) urged the Trump administration to provide more investment in the rural air service that supports essential travel like the commercial flights in and out of Pendleton’s Eastern Oregon Regional Airport. The two sent a letter to Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Michael

Merkley, Wyden join bid to overturn Trump climate order

Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden joined more than 30 fellow Democratic senators Wednesday to introduce legislation that would rescind President Trump’s executive order, signed Tuesday, which they said aims to reverse several landmark U.S. initiatives to combat climate change.    “Climate change is causing great destruction to our rural

Oregon senators urge support for rural air service

Oregon Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley are going to bat for rural air service, citing the Eastern Oregon Regional Airport in Pendleton as one facility that benefits strongly from the program. In his budget proposal, President Donald Trump has called for eliminating the Essential Air Service, part of a

Legisladores de Oregón: La orden ejecutiva sobre el cambio climático pone a las corporaciones por delante de los problemas de salud

Los legisladores de Oregón reaccionaron a una orden ejecutiva, firmada el martes por el presidente Donald Trump, que revierte los mandatos de cambio climático establecidos en los últimos años. La orden tiene como objetivo reducir los intentos de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de frenar las emisiones, con la esperanza de impulsar el crecimiento del empleo en el

Líderes de Oregón denuncian orden de Trump sobre el clima

Los principales políticos de Oregón rechazaron el martes la orden ejecutiva del presidente Donald Trump para revertir los esfuerzos de Estados Unidos para combatir el cambio climático. La gobernadora Kate Brown se unió a los gobernadores de Washington y California, y a los alcaldes de cinco ciudades importantes de la costa oeste, incluido Ted Wheeler de Portland, en un comunicado de prensa denunciando la orden ejecutiva de Trump,

Líderes y senadores de la Costa Oeste luchan contra el orden energético y climático de Trump

SALEM, Ore. – Un grupo de gobernadores y alcaldes de la costa oeste, y los senadores de Oregón Ron Wyden y Jeff Merkley se pronunciaron el martes en contra de la orden ejecutiva del presidente Trump destinada a anteponer los empleos estadounidenses a lo que el presidente calificó de regulaciones ambientales federales demasiado onerosas. La gobernadora Kate Brown lanzó el
