En las noticias

Oregon U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley reacts to Delivering For America plan

KOBI 5 MEDFORD, Ore. – U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley spoke to the Senate this week about his concerns about the United States Postal Service. Postmaster General DeJoy implemented the Delivering For America plan in 2021. Merkley called the plan “Delaying Mail in America”. The plan diverted all mail to Portland

Oregon Sen. Merkley on USPS proposal: Return to sender, address unknown

Portland Tribune Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley continues his opposition to a restructuring of the U.S. Postal Service. Merkley, a Democrat from Northeast Portland, delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate this week, focusing on first-hand stories he said he heard from Oregonians who rely on the Postal

What’s At Stake In The Senate’s Looming GMO Labeling Battle

A key debate regarding products that contain genetically modified organisms — specifically, the question of whether they should have to carry labels stating as much — is set for a showdown. Last week, legislation cleared the Senate Agricultural Committee that would block state-level laws mandating GMO labeling. The legislation, which

Wyden y Merkley entre los senadores que buscan alivio de la deuda para los estudiantes de Corinthian Colleges

Treinta y cinco senadores demócratas estadounidenses, incluidos Ron Wyden y Jeff Merkley de Oregón, firmaron una carta dirigida al presidente Barack Obama solicitando más ayuda para los estudiantes de universidades depredadoras con fines de lucro. La lista incluye Corinthian Colleges, que se declaró en quiebra y cerró repentinamente en 2015. “Estas escuelas han antepuesto su búsqueda de dólares de préstamos federales para estudiantes a la

Action On A National GMO Labeling Measure Heats Up On Capitol Hill

Donnelly characterized his plan as setting “ambitious goals” for companies to be more transparent. “Instead of pitting conventional farmers versus organic [farmers], or concerned parents versus biotech companies, we need to quickly enact legislation that ensures consumers can get the information they want, without sticking misleading labels on every food

Los legisladores de Oregón buscan objetivos nacionales de energía limpia

WASHINGTON – Los senadores Ron Wyden y Jeff Merkley y los representantes Suzanne Bonamici y Earl Blumenauer, todos demócrata por Oregón, presentaron el jueves resoluciones que establecen el objetivo nacional de producir más del 50 por ciento de la electricidad de Estados Unidos a partir de fuentes de electricidad limpias y libres de carbono para 2030. y pidiendo la promulgación de nueva legislación para lograr

La ley propuesta podría requerir el etiquetado de alimentos con "ingeniería genética"

The national fight over the labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms took a new turn on Wednesday, when Sen. Dianne Feinstein joined Sens. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.; Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.; and Jon Tester, D-Mont., to introduce legislation that would require national labeling of GMO ingredients. Called the Biotechnology Food Labeling and Uniformity Act, it is

Merkley introduces biotech labeling solution

Just a day after the Senate Agriculture Committee voted 14-6 to advance a bill from Sen. Pat Roberts (R., Kan.) on how to address labeling foods that may contain genetically modified (GM) ingredients, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.) introduced another bill to add to the discussion. Merkley’s bill would provide
