En las noticias

Oregon U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley reacts to Delivering For America plan

KOBI 5 MEDFORD, Ore. – U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley spoke to the Senate this week about his concerns about the United States Postal Service. Postmaster General DeJoy implemented the Delivering For America plan in 2021. Merkley called the plan “Delaying Mail in America”. The plan diverted all mail to Portland

Oregon Sen. Merkley on USPS proposal: Return to sender, address unknown

Portland Tribune Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley continues his opposition to a restructuring of the U.S. Postal Service. Merkley, a Democrat from Northeast Portland, delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate this week, focusing on first-hand stories he said he heard from Oregonians who rely on the Postal

Merkley presenta el proyecto de ley sobre áreas silvestres de Sutton Mountain

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., introduced a bill into Congress on Thursday to designate four wilderness areas covering a combined 58,000 acres near Mitchell in Central Oregon. The wilderness proposal is centered around Sutton Mountain and Painted Hills. “There is just no doubt in my mind that a lot of tourists

Court Ruling on N.S.A.’s Data Collection Jolts Both Defenders and Reformers

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruling that the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone records is illegal has scrambled bipartisan efforts to overhaul the program, emboldening those who say the efforts do not go far enough and undermining Senate Republican leaders who want to keep the current program

Proyecto de ley crearía puesto de 'enfermera nacional'

A bipartisan pair of senators introduced a bill Wednesday that would create a new “national nurse” position tasked with preventing diseases like obesity and heart disease. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.) said the national nurse would focus on education to help to curb the growing

Education bills take aim at ‘predatory’ schools

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) on Thursday will introduce legislation aimed at protecting students who are interested in technical careers from being enrolled in “predatory” schools. The Protecting Students from Worthless Degrees Act would crack down on school programs that pledge to train students for technical careers but lack accreditation. A

Los demócratas del Senado piden regulaciones rápidas para los cigarrillos electrónicos

Los demócratas del Senado están renovando su presión para mantener los cigarrillos electrónicos fuera del alcance de los niños más de un año después de que la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) se comprometió a hacerlo. La FDA está "dando largas" a las nuevas regulaciones que prohibirían a las tiendas vender cigarrillos electrónicos a niños menores de
