En las noticias

Bend awarded $5 million federal grant to fuel affordable housing production

Bend Bulletin The city of Bend has received a $5 million grant intended to kickstart affordable housing supply, the federal government announced Wednesday. Awarded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the grant set the course for the city to identify and address policies that slow affordable housing

Wyden, Merkley, colleagues call on Postal Service to prepare for November election

KTVZ WASHINGTON (KTVZ) — Senator Ron Wyden said Thursday he is leading Senate colleagues including fellow Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley in calling on Postmaster General DeJoy and the U.S. Postal Service to share their plans to accommodate high volumes of mail expected in the upcoming 2024 general election in Oregon and nationwide.

Una nueva oportunidad para el Senado

 En mayo, Harry Reid, líder de la mayoría del Senado, estaba furioso por otra obstrucción obstruccionista de los republicanos del Senado. Admitió entonces que se equivocó en 2011 al no cambiar las reglas del Senado cuando tuvo la oportunidad. “Estos dos jóvenes y excelentes senadores dijeron que era hora de cambiar la situación.

Complemento para facturar oficinas de correos

WASHINGTON — Rural post offices in Oregon threatened with closure gained protection Wednesday, but the battle is far from over. Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley succeeded in attaching an amendment to a postal service reform bill that would impose a one-year moratorium on the closure of most rural post offices. After that,

Los argumentos salvajes y fuera de lugar contra la regla Volcker

Big banks are formulating a host of arguments —wild, off the mark arguments — aimed at dismantling the Volcker Rule firewall between loan-making, customer-serving banks and high-risk hedge funds.That firewall is essential for a stable banking system. When hedge funds blow up, and they regularly do, one doesn’t want them taking

We Need A Strong Volcker Rule

Three years ago we experienced the greatest financial implosion since 1929. High stakes gambling and risky bets gone bad on Wall Street left our financial system near collapse and our economy in shambles. This crisis had many causes–all man-made. And it affected every last one of us, not just the
