Los legisladores de Oregón instan al Servicio Postal de EE. UU. a escuchar las preocupaciones de la comunidad sobre la reubicación de los servicios minoristas de la oficina postal de Tualatin

WASHINGTON, DC – This week Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) requested that the United States Postal Service (USPS) listen to and consider concerns from members of the community about the potential relocation of retail services of the Tualatin Post Office.

The USPS has proposed moving retail services from the SW 90th Ave. location and consolidating them with another USPS facility in Tualatin. Many residents and local businesses expressed concerns about the proposal during both a July meeting and a recent public comment period. The lawmakers urged USPS to listen to the community’s concerns and maintain access to postal services in Tualatin in a location that is easily accessible for residents and businesses.

“As you are likely hearing from Oregonians, relocating Tualatin’s postal retail services to the detached carrier unit presents many serious challenges for residents and local businesses,” los legisladores escribieron. “These challenges include poor walkability at the proposed location, lack of access to transit, limited parking, and traffic congestion. Relocating retail services to the detached carrier unit could reduce access for Tualatin residents who use the Post Office, and create undue hardships for nearby businesses in the industrial area around the proposed location. We respectfully request that you thoroughly review the concerns the community has expressed about the current relocation proposal, identify alternative facilities where retail services could be relocated, and allow residents ample time to provide feedback on other relocation options.”

You can read the lawmakers’ full letter to USPS aquí.
