Resultados de la búsqueda para: veteran – Page 5

Proyecto de Historia de los Veteranos

Oregonians have stepped up to serve in the United States Armed Forces for generations, or have family members, friends, and loved ones who have answered this call to service. Capturing the firsthand, lived experiences of our veterans is an important way we can honor their sacrifices and dedication to our

Militares y Veteranos

Jeff believes strongly in supporting our military both overseas and at home. Our veterans have stood up for us, and we must stand up for them. If you or someone you know is a veteran or currently serving in the military and seeking assistance, Jeff and his office stand ready

Recomendaciones del personal

National Archives Guided tours of the National Archives are available for reservation Mondays through Fridays, starting at 9:30 a.m. You can reserve tickets for a timed visit entry throughout the day. Tickets can be reserved through the National Park Service, and there is a $1.50 per person processing fee Visitors

Ayuda Con Agencias Federales

Trabajar con burocracias grandes puede ser confuso y frustrante. Si usted está trabajando con una agencia federal o del estado, su cuidad local o el gobierno de su condado, o tal vez un banco o una compañía de seguro, Jeff y su equipo están listos para ayudarle. Si tiene preguntas


Oregon veterans have served our country honorably and sacrificed a great deal to protect our nation. It’s important to Jeff that Oregon veterans always have access to the educational opportunities, health care services and jobs assistance they deserve. Below you will find helpful links and resources for Oregon veterans as

Derechos y salud de la mujer

Jeff is committed to protecting the health, rights, and liberties of all women. Throughout his career, Jeff has fought for equal pay, working to restore the balance of power between workers and employees by providing legal protections to women who face pay discrimination. He believes that millions of hardworking American


We have made promises to our seniors that they have honored through decades of hard work, and that we must keep to seniors today and tomorrow. Jeff believes that Social Security and Medicare are a covenant with our seniors, and has fought against efforts to privatize or weaken these essential

Honrando a nuestros veteranos

Our veterans have served their country with honor and deserve the utmost respect from our nation for their sacrifice.  Veterans and their families have put America’s security before their own, and we have a responsibility to ensure that our service members have the tools and training to complete their missions


Cuando Jeff asumió por primera vez el desafío de postularse para la Legislatura del Estado de Oregón, una de las razones fue que quería construir un mejor sistema educativo para sus hijos pequeños. Y como el primero de su familia en ir a la universidad, Jeff sabe que el acceso asequible a la educación superior es
