Sen. Merkley Strongly Disagrees with President Trump’s Move to add Pipelines

Washington, D.C. – Issuing a critical statement after President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday, Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., said the President’s actions were designed to “ram through” the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.

“The proposed Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines have inspired unprecedented grassroots opposition, and for good reason: They would turn on the tap to the dirtiest fossil fuels in the world while threatening drinking water,” Merkley said.

“This executive order is a slap in the face to our tribes and to every American who cares about clean water or a livable planet,” he added.

“Instead of using his power to try to ram these damaging pipelines through, Trump should listen to the voices of the millions who have expressed deep concern about the lasting negative impact these projects would have on our nation.

“Si el presidente Trump quiere avanzar en proyectos de infraestructura para crear empleos (y ciertamente creo que hay una enorme cantidad de carreteras, autopistas, puentes, diques y líneas eléctricas que deben repararse y mejorarse), lo invito a echar un vistazo a el paquete integral de inversión en infraestructura que los demócratas del Senado publicaron hoy. El paquete de los demócratas del Senado crearía muchos más empleos y al mismo tiempo invertiría en la infraestructura que nuestras comunidades realmente necesitan”.
