Senators Wyden, Merkley meet with heath officials to discuss Zika virus

Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley met with officials from OHSU and the Oregon Health Authority Friday to discuss how to fight the Zika virus outbreak.

Senator Wyden said it is highly unlikely the mosquitoes that carry Zika will make it north to Oregon, but there is still a lot of concern when it comes to travel and sexual transmission.

Doctors stressed the need for more research.

“This infection can go directly from a mother to her baby, and unfortunately we don’t know how frequently and how much,” said Dr. Aaron Caughey. “We can’t predict very well the severity of that infection. We don’t have the information because we don’t have the science.”

Wyden and Merkley are supporting a $1.8 billion proposal to support efforts to fight Zika.

They said the senate and house keep going back and forth on what congress should do.
