Van Hollen, Durbin, Kaine, Schatz & Colleagues File Amendment Requiring the Use of U.S. Supplemental Aid Comply with U.S., International Law

Amendment has support of 19 Senators

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Dick Durbin, (D-Ill.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), and Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) along with 15 of their colleagues are filing their amendment to require that the weapons received by any country under the proposed national security supplemental are used in accordance with U.S. law, international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict. The amendment is supported by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Tom Carper (D-Del.), Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.), Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.), and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.).

La enmienda de los senadores también requiere que el presidente informe al Congreso sobre si los países que reciben equipo militar pagado por los contribuyentes estadounidenses cumplen con esa prueba y si el uso de armas suministradas por Estados Unidos concuerda con las directivas presidenciales establecidas sobre transferencias de armas y las políticas del Departamento de Defensa para reducir daños a los civiles. Y reforzaría la ley actual que prohíbe la asistencia de seguridad estadounidense a cualquier país que impida o restrinja la asistencia humanitaria estadounidense a quienes la necesitan, sujeto a una exención presidencial. La enmienda no se aplica a los fondos para sistemas de defensa aérea u otros sistemas que el presidente determine que se utilizarán con fines estrictamente defensivos.

“American taxpayer dollars should be used in line with our values and our interests. This amendment requires that all recipients of U.S. military assistance in the national security supplemental use our support in accordance with U.S. law and international humanitarian law and that they cooperate fully with our efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance. It also puts in place the reporting requirements necessary to track these measures and ensure transparency and accountability. These provisions make critical improvements to the supplemental, which is why I’ll be insisting on a vote,” dijo el senador Van Hollen. 

"Estados Unidos es un país indispensable para ayudar a las naciones aliadas en tiempos de conflicto". dijo el senador Durbin.  “With any such assistance, including supplemental packages, we have a responsibility to ensure the aid follows U.S. and international law.  With this amendment, we are reinforcing that key point and our American values.”

“This amendment makes clear that support we provide our allies to defend themselves must be used in accordance with U.S. and international law. This includes taking measures to protect innocent civilians caught in conflict zones. The American people should feel confident that we are providing aid consistent with American values,” dijo el senador Kaine.

“Cada vez que aprobamos gasto federal – ya sea para cosas como vivienda pública y reparación de carreteras o programas de nuestro propio Departamento de Defensa – requerimos planes detallados sobre exactamente cómo se utilizará el dinero. También esperamos recibir algún tipo de informe al respecto más adelante. No debería ser diferente la financiación de la asistencia que brindamos a los aliados en todo el mundo, incluido Israel. Es nuestra responsabilidad asegurarnos de que los fondos y las armas que proporcionamos se utilicen de manera coherente con el derecho internacional humanitario y los valores estadounidenses”. dijo el senador Schatz.

“U.S. military aid always includes conditions, and there is no exception, even for our allies,” dijo el senador Warren. “This amendment is necessary to ensure that we as a nation are putting our values first and complying with international law.”

“No country receiving U.S. assistance should be exempt from requirements that it adheres to international humanitarian law,” dijo el senador Merkley. “We should undertake serious efforts to strengthen Congress’ oversight of aid to ensure it is being used in the interest of our national security and aligns with our values.”

“It serves U.S. interests for military assistance to be used in accordance with international humanitarian law, and for those receiving assistance to be fully cooperative in the delivery of humanitarian aid. Taxpayer dollars should be spent enhancing American security and creating global stability, and it’s Congress’s obligation to make this happen,” said Sen. Welch.

“As we continue to stand by Israel’s right to defend itself, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting innocent civilians. That means ensuring our weapons are used only in accordance with U.S. law, international humanitarian law, and the law of armed conflict. I’m introducing this amendment to the National Security Supplemental to hold our allies accountable for using the weapons and resources we provide them, and give the American people needed transparency on how Israel is deploying U.S. aid in Gaza,” said Senator Heinrich.

“We must hold U.S. military assistance to the highest standard and ensure that any assistance provided to our partners is used in accordance with the law – particularly U.S. law and international humanitarian law,” dijo el senador Carper. “This amendment reiterates that commitment, and supports our efforts to continue working with those defending democracy around the world.”

“This amendment will help to ensure that American military aid is being used in accordance with international humanitarian law and aligns with our country’s values,” said Senator Hirono. “As we continue to deliver assistance to our allies, it is critical that transparency and accountability are prioritized.”

“Es imperativo que toda la asistencia a Israel respete el derecho estadounidense e internacional, dé prioridad a la protección de los civiles, garantice el suministro de la asistencia humanitaria que los civiles en Gaza necesitan desesperadamente y se alinee con una visión a largo plazo de paz, seguridad y dos -solución diplomática estatal. Agradezco al senador Van Hollen y a mis colegas por trabajar juntos en esta medida para garantizar que toda la ayuda militar a los países dentro del paquete suplementario se adhiera a las leyes internacionales y estadounidenses existentes y bien establecidas y para exigir informes al Congreso sobre el uso de dicha ayuda”. dijo el senador Markey.

“When the United States provides security assistance to our allies, that assistance should only be used in accordance with U.S. and international humanitarian law, including the obligation to minimize harm to civilians and facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid. This amendment requires the transparency and accountability the United States expects and deserves from our friends and allies receiving security assistance,” said Senator Smith.

“As a pastor I have a profound reverence for life, and as we continue working with our allies to navigate wars in the Middle East and beyond, it is imperative that the United States ensures any country receiving our security assistance is using those resources in a way that’s consistent with American values and international law,” dijo el Senador Reverendo Warnock.

“We have a responsibility to make sure civilians and children are never the targets of war and humanitarian assistance is never blocked,” said Senator Butler. “Our partners and allies deserve America’s unwavering support, and it is also true that we must hold those nations accountable for what they choose to do with that support. Senator Van Hollen’s amendment to the National Security and Supplemental Appropriations Act affirms our values and reinforces America’s commitment to human rights and humanitarian aid in times of conflict.”

“The American people expect that when we use taxpayer dollars, it is accounted for and used in line with our values,” dijo el senador Baldwin. “As we work to help our allies defend themselves, it’s our responsibility to make sure our aid is used in accordance with international humanitarian law – just as our country regularly does.”

“Congress has an obligation to oversee how foreign governments are using American weapons. I thank Senator Van Hollen for his leadership crafting this provision to strengthen Congressional oversight of U.S. security assistance. U.S. aid must be used consistent with our national interests and our laws,” dijo el Senador Ossoff.

“The United States has a legal obligation to ensure the security assistance we send to our allies and partners abroad is used in accordance with existing U.S. law, international law, and the law of armed conflict. This amendment reaffirms those fundamental principles,” said Senator Chris Murphy.

La enmienda de los senadores:

  • Exige que las armas recibidas por cualquier país en virtud de este proyecto de ley se utilicen de conformidad con la legislación estadounidense, el derecho internacional humanitario y el derecho de los conflictos armados.
  • Requiere que el presidente obtenga garantías de que cualquier país que reciba armas a través de este proyecto de ley coopere plenamente con los esfuerzos apoyados por Estados Unidos para brindar asistencia humanitaria a quienes la necesitan, sujeto a una exención presidencial.  
  • Requiere que el presidente informe al Congreso dentro de los 30 días si cada país que recibe asistencia de seguridad de Estados Unidos a través de este proyecto de ley:
    • Usar equipo militar financiado por Estados Unidos de acuerdo con:
      • Sus propósitos previstos y programas de monitoreo de uso final en los EE. UU.;
      • el derecho internacional humanitario, el derecho de los conflictos armados y el derecho estadounidense;
      • la Política de Transferencia de Armas Convencionales (CAT) para 2023 del Presidente y el Plan de Acción de Respuesta y Mitigación de Daños Civiles (CHMR-AP) del Departamento de Defensa;
    • Cooperar plenamente con los esfuerzos de los Estados Unidos y los esfuerzos internacionales apoyados por los Estados Unidos para brindar asistencia humanitaria a los civiles.
  • Aclara que estas disposiciones no se aplican a fondos para sistemas de defensa aérea u otros sistemas que el presidente determine que se utilizarán con fines estrictamente defensivos.

El texto de la enmienda está disponible aquí..

