Wyden, Merkley: casi $200.000 al Klamath Community College para el programa de conducción comercial

Washington DC – Senadores estadounidenses Ron Wyden y Jeff Merkley
today announced that Klamath Community College will receive more than $194,000
from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to enroll qualified
students in the college’s Commercial Driver’s License program.

“I’ve heard from hardworking truck drivers all over Oregon
how serious the need is for more colleagues to drive and deliver goods all over
the state,” Wyden said. “I’m gratified to see these federal dollars go toward
the Commercial Driver’s License program which will play a crucial role in
reducing supply chain snarls and of course ensuring that students at Klamath
Community College have a path toward good-paying, career opportunities.”

“Commercial drivers are vital to supporting Oregon’s economy
and to ensuring we are able to get the goods we need. We rely on these highly
trained drivers to get food to our tables, supplies to our hospitals, and
clothes on our backs,” Merkley said. “I am happy to see this funding going to
Klamath Community College for recruitment and support for the college’s Commercial
Driver’s License program.”

Klamath Community College will receive more than $194,000
from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to recruit and enroll at
least 40 qualified students and/or members of underserved communities in the
college’s Commercial Driver’s License program.

“The funding provided will help Klamath Community College to
continue to address our country’s pressing need for commercial drivers, while
ensuring that those on the road are receiving the best possible training to do
their jobs reliably and safely,” said KCC President Roberto Gutierrez. “Funds
will cover tuition and fees for KCC student veterans and their families to
pursue a CDL license for essential careers with a livable wage in a growing
field. Trucking is the lifeblood of the nation’s economy, and it is KCC’s goal
to provide as many proficient drivers as possible to respond to the demand for
careers on the road – for Oregon and beyond.”
