Helping Michael Navigate Red Tape

Jeff is committed to helping Oregonians get the federal help they need, and understands the challenges of navigating bureaucratic red tape.

That’s why Jeff’s team was eager to help Michael, a constituent who reached out for help after facing issues receiving his Social Security benefits and had his Medicare coverage canceled—all while he was struggling with unaffordable monthly COBRA health insurance premiums.

Team Merkley took action to work with the Social Security Administration on getting his Social Security benefits back in order. After persistent work with the agency, the team got Michael’s Medicare coverage set to start on July 1. Additionally, Team Merkley connected with Michael’s union about obstacles with insurance coverage, which helped him secure a hardship grant to cover COBRA costs.

“It does so much for my belief in humanity to know that people with your kindness and desire to help others still exist in the world!” Michael wrote to Jeff’s office. “Thank you for everything you have done. You helped relieve so much stress!”

Helping Oregonians like Michael motivates Jeff and his team to continue fighting for Oregonians to ensure they get the help they need to thrive.
