Helping Oregonians Secure Their Benefits

Jeff knows communicating with government agencies can be challenging, and his office is at the ready to help Oregonians navigate the complicated systems. 

When a Portland constituent won his years-long disability case with the Social Security Administration (SSA), he thought he’d begin receiving regular monthly payments right away and see his awarded backpay—nearly $87,500. Instead, the wait stretched on for months and months without a word from the agency. 

Frustrated with the delay and lack of communication, the constituent and his disability representative reached out to Team Merkley to investigate the hold up and move the process along. After Jeff’s office persistently contacted the SSA over several months, Social Security finally released the benefits the constituent had legally been awarded by a judge. 

The constituent says Jeff’s office was “fired up and ready to take this on,” and because of that responsiveness, care, and persistence, Team Merkley was key to getting the SSA to release his long-awaited payment. 

“I really appreciate everyone’s involvement,” the constituent said. “The fact that the Senator’s office exists for this reason. My life is so much better now because of their involvement.” 

Since the constituent received his back-payment from the SSA, he has been receiving regular payments that have been crucial for him. Now, he is encouraging other Oregonians who need help working with government agencies and holding them accountable to contact Jeff’s office—because it just starts with an email or phone call to get the ball rolling. 

“Take the chance. Contact the Senator’s office and say this is my case, this is my story, and please help,” the constituent added. “The help did come, and I truly appreciate it.” 

If you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact Jeff’s office—we are here to help!
