In Celebration of Earth Day, Merkley Unveils New Web Video Highlighting Green Jobs and Energy Independence

Washington, DC – In recognition of Earth Day, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley unveiled a new “Generation Green” web video focusing on the need to invest in the green energy jobs of the future and fight global warming.  In the video, Senator Merkley attends the unveiling of the new electric car made by Tesla Motors, the first full-sized family sedan of its kind.
“I can’t tell you how exciting it is to see innovative American companies producing everything from plug-in electric cars, to solar, wind and wave energy,” said Merkley.  “By investing in green energy projects, we are reducing our carbon footprint and creating much needed jobs in the process.” 

The new video, titled “Reviving the Electric Car,” focuses on the importance of creating new green energy innovations while highlighting solutions to the climate crisis.

“Earth Day is a great opportunity for all of us – not just to raise awareness about the global challenges we face, but to inspire us to take bold actions.  Make no mistake about it, global warming is a threat to our children and to the health of our planet.  But it’s also an unprecedented opportunity to create jobs and prosperity by investing in clean technologies. We must work together to solve the climate crisis and transform our energy policies to ensure prosperity for future generations,” said Merkley.

Watch the video on YouTube:
